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Writer and Director
Jonathon Crewe
Award-Winning Writer and Director for Film, Theatre and Radio
Current Projects
Under The Radar
Written and Directed by
Jonathon Crewe
Under the Radar - a new dark comedy about the conflicts between gender, tradition and modernity bubbling up to the surface in the contained space of a submarine - setting sail at the Old Red Lion Theatre, Angel 15th Mar - 2nd April 2022
'Last night, locked in...
written and directed
Jonathon Crewe
Waking up locked in, a man searches his memories for clues to the mystery unravelling around him.
’Last night, locked in... explores the shifting perceptions of time that developed as a reaction to the 2020-21 lockdowns - the slow distortion between memory and reality.
A feature film written, directed and produced by
Jonathon Crewe
A disgruntled outsider turns to faking social media posts to gain popularity with unexpected and chilling consequences.

Under the Radar Offcomm Commendation (Short Run)
Standing Ovation Nomination

'Last night, locked in... Best Supporting Actor, World Film Carnival, Singapore
Honorable Mention, L.A. Neo Noir Festival, USA
Special Award, Only the Best Film Fest, Miami, USA

face2face Best Feature Director, Alternative Film Festival, Toronto Best First Time Director - World Distribution Award, USA
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